Beach and Coffee fun
5:57 PM
After the long and exciting festivities of New Year's, it took me a while to recollect the last two days of our Costa Rican journey. They consisted primarily of Manuel Antonio Natural Beach Park on Sunday and the Britt Coffee Plantation on Monday.
Many thanks to Bobbie for letting me steal this picture off of Facebook.
This is how Steve spent his time at the beach!
Monday was the exclusive, 'Coffee day,' at the Britt Coffee Plantation, where they give regular tours to coffee addicted people daily. The guides walked us through the unique harvesting, roasting and tasting process. I never expected to learn so much about coffee in my life. We each got to taste, 'but not eat,' a raw coffee bean. This wasn't the highlight though, our local celebrity, Bob got to be put in the spotlight at the end of the tasting tour!!
That's pretty much the last of the major trips that we all had together as a group. Tuesday was a tough day with all the sad good-byes and even sadder plane delays...and airport food....
But it was totally worth it!

The majority of our group spent Sunday at the beach, which when full to capacity will actually close. Interesting. Erick gave us each the opportunity to either go on a nature walk with him or spend five glorious hours on the beach. I believe most stayed on the beach. The only advice Erick gave us was to stay away from the poisonous Manzanillo Tree and the thieving raccoon's that like to feast on tourists sandwiches. It's true, it happened.