The other weekend we took a ferry to a nearby town called Gandria. There is an olive trail that runs throughout the town, going alongside the mountain and through the village. The trail was mostly shaded which provided for a nice, cool walk. The purpose of the trail is for preserving the abundance of olives for olive oil and other olive infused goods. About two miles down the trail, our group found a spot with rocks that provided a quaint, beautiful lookout over the mountainous landscape. The beaming sun added to the already toasty 90 degree temps, so our group spontaneously jumped in the crystal blue lake fully clothed. After our dip, we walked back to town and found a restaurant that overlooked the surrounding mountains and Lake Lugano. We ordered a platter of mixed cheeses and meats and a tall glass of white wine for the table. After eating, we took the ferry directly across the lake to the Swiss Customs Museum. The museum held different items that had been collected at the border (mostly illegal). These items included attempted smuggled drugs, wild animal skins and tusks, fake designer bags, and more. The highlight of this trip was definitely visiting the small town of Gandria and casually wandering throughout the trail. Switzerland has so many beautiful tucked away towns and villages.. it really is so astonishing how much this country has to offer visually.

Before traveling to Lugano, Switzerland, I had no idea what
to expect. Even with thorough research and planning, I still had no concept of
what I was really getting myself into. Upon arrival, I experienced a culture
shock. For one, the Swiss put a huge emphasis on collectivism; everyone is expected
to do their part for their community. This plays a key role in environmentalism
and the way the Swiss treat their environmental standards. Air conditioning is
rare, thus making it very common to ventilate houses/restaurants/shops through
open windows. Luckily, temperatures rarely exceed 80 degrees Fahrenheit, making
it bearable to the everyday foreigner (like myself). Another piece of
Switzerland that I was unaware of but quickly became aware of was the prices of
goods. On average, prices are about 2-3 times higher than they are in the US –
this makes sense because the average monthly income for a Swiss worker is substantially
higher than it is in the US. For example, a slice of pizza in Lugano,
Switzerland is typically around 8 CHF (Swiss Francs) and in the US it is $2-3
(depending on where you go). It is also very common to see a lot of Swiss in dressy
outfits. It could be Sunday when all shops are closed, and you would still see
a couple roaming the streets in their finest attire. The streets may seem a little
bare on Sundays when everything is closed down for the designated “family day”
of the week. Every other day, your best bet of getting into a shop is if you go
around 10am-noon or 2pm-4pm. Other than that, its common for shop owners to
open late in the day, close down for lunch hours, and close early before dinner
times. The Swiss do not run by a schedule nor should anyone expect they would.
They operate on the days they feel like it and that is just the way the Swiss
are. The Swiss have every right to be a little stingy in their everyday life.
The abundance of goods that their country offers excuses them from any American
expectation. If it’s the chocolate, the wine, the cheese, the watches, or the
Swiss army knives, the Swiss have it all and then some. On top of that, the
mountains and overall landscape of the country is incomparable to any other. The
view that I have awoke to every day is absolutely breathtaking, and it is
something I will never forget.

As a first generation college student, participating in a study abroad program appeared to be an opportunity one in my position could only dream of. I saw the posted flyer at school and decided to apply for the attached scholarship. After a couple of months, the award letter came, and there I was proceeding down the path of a study abroad program to Switzerland for a month!
It was so exciting! As the weeks rolled by, an uncertainty began to set in, FEAR. The preparation for a month stay was draining and the realization of traveling internationally alone as a woman of color (without knowing the language) became daunting. I spent multiple hours either paralyzed thinking about what could happen (like what we see in the movies) and replaying those situations in my mind.
Days before leaving friends and family congratulated me, while deep down inside my emotions reflected the state I habitually held for weeks. Nevertheless, I packed the best way I could, arranged for my drop off to the airport and stepped foot on the flight to Italy with little to no thought about the concerns I previously had.
What I can say is, once I began the forward motion the fear that once paralyzed me dissipated in an instant then everything else became mechanical. Once I arrived, I followed the signs (which some were in English) to the train station, purchased my ticket and headed down to the load zones. Within two hours I was pulling up to my destination in tact, feeling quite accomplished!
If you ever plan on studying abroad... Remember: do like NIKE and “Just Do It”. That’s the only way to get past whatever the mental blockages fear may cause. I had a really good friend tell me the best advice before I left, it was to always stay alert about your surroundings. That was truly what helped me navigate the uncertainties through international travel. I hope it does the same for you too.
First Impressions in Lugano:
- A lot of up and down hill walking
- Prices here are much different than the US
- The water in most places is drinkable
- water fountains are everywhere they just have to be found
- The mountains are more amazing than any pictures
- They have strange traffic laws
- only cross at cross walks
- cars have to stop for you if you start to walk
- they can driver much faster in areas than would be allowed in the US
- Most of the Italian people here are very aggressive
- speaking with the locals can be a problem without google translate
Recommendations for Future Travelers:
- Start walking more a month before
- Bring 2 water bottle and drink a lot of water
- bring good shoes and a few different pairs
- Be ready to climb mountains on week 1
- Try to be adventurous and try new things while in Lugano
Summary of Week 1:
Although week 1 was crazy and full of exercise, it was filled with excitement and exploration. Learning about the Swiss culture and how different it is from the US is a lot to take in for 1 week but it is doable.