Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Visiting the Red Cross

We made a trip up the Geneva in the French part of Switzerland and visited the Red Cross museum while we were there. There were 3 main parts to the museum and a bonus section that happened to be on display while we were visiting. There was a part about how the Red Cross provides help to soldiers who need help which is what the organization was founded to do in the first place. This section also had some brief history about the Red Cross and some of their major accomplishments throughout history. The next section was about how communication has helped to improve how aid can be moved around the world to help those in need. This section also had all of the missing people reports from around the World War I time period and some information on newer missing peoples. It showed how communication can help to locate some of the missing people and let their families know when they are found. This can help when there is a war taking place of in a major natural disaster hits an area of the world and the family can not reach who they are looking for. This is where the third part of the museum came into play which talked about how the Red Cross provides some aid to natural disaster relief when they are able to. This section had many examples of when the Red Cross was able to help people in need after their lives were changed by some type of natural disaster. Each section had some type of recording that was a personal example of how the Red Cross was able to help them or their family. Some cases it was a member of the Red Cross who was talking about how they had helped somewhere around the world. The museum used very high tech headsets to be able to communicate to people through different languages and talked about different information based on your location in the museum. The extra part we were able to see was about different prisons around the world and times where prisoners were treated poorly. They had examples of things that prisoners would make for entertainment or to try and help them escape which they had on display. The idea behind this exhibit was to show the negative effects prisons can have on people who are placed into them. The Whole Museum was very cool and allowed for people to learn more about the Red Cross than if they were to do basic research on the Red Cross.

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