Friday, July 11, 2014

Well everyone, we have officially been in beautiful England for about a week now. There have definitely been some crazy ups and downs, and a few problems with my specific program, but overall it has been a great experience. I have personally never been out of the country, so there were some things that have been difficult for me. The homesickness is real, and if you are thinking about studying abroad and have never done anything like that, I would definitely prepare yourself for it. You find yourself to be half way around the world, you miss your friends and family, and you will have moments questioning yourself and what it is you are doing here. But, it will pass. You get chances to talk to your family, and then you start experiencing the new world around you, and trust me.. it starts to go by faster than you think. I am already almost half way done with my program and I feel as if I just arrived. Oxford is a beautiful city, that reminds me a lot of my hometown of Columbia. In fact it is starting to feel like a home away from home. London is a wonderful city with so much to do. We are going on several expeditions there, and when we get back home to Oxford, everyone is exhausted. It is definitely very fast paced, and a lot to take in at once.. and I feel as if I will know more about what I am really learning once I return home and can reflect more on my experience. But right now, I can look out my bedroom window to see a beautiful garden in the back yard and I am reminded of where I am and how amazing that truly is.

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