Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Awesome Accident of Autumn

Everyone said England was going to be cold and drizzly, but the weather has been sensational! We have had rain, and it does get chilly but never terrible. Weather isn't something I normally give much consideration to, but it's such an important factor when travelling. It's very influential and determinative for the mood of a trip - drink hot chocolate or iced tea? go to museums or open markets? visit building or walk the grounds? I like doing it all, and autumn is the perfect blend.

I hadn't even really considered the seasons when deciding which semester to study abroad, but I'm now so grateful it's fall semester, because the weather is so fine as I'm exploring, and I get to see the country transition from summer to winter. I got to see the trees and flowers in their most vibrant dressing, and now I get to see them arrayed in another beautiful set of colors. And I walk a lot, so I'm very grateful for good weather every day. I'm trying to take advantage of being outdoors and able to walk around as much as possible before it gets too cold and less enjoyable. England is so beautiful, and I'm learning to appreciate the power of nature the way the British Romantics did (after all, I am an English major)

I'm learning how to use Adobe Photoshop for one of my classes. I'm quite a novice, but I thought I'd show off my skills and Canterbury at the same time ;P

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